How to backup and Restore (or sync) your Data on Notes App with Google Drive?
To backup and restore (or sync) your Notes. you need to follow the given steps for different versions, you can check the version of the app from the settings of the app: For versions above 3.6.3: On the versions above 3.6.3 you don’t have to do backup and restore separately. you just need to click on sync button and it will automatically sync your local notes and backup notes. Steps to sync your notes: Tap the Three dots icon on the top right corner of the App. Select the Backup/Restore option from the menu. Now enable the Google Backup and Restore and sign in to your google account. Finally, click on the Sync button. Please remember, if you want to move your notes from one device to another device then you need to sync your notes on first device and “disable the backup and restore” because you can sign in using one account, on one device at a time and after that you have to follow the same steps to sync your notes on newer device. Note : You can make